Susan Clarke-Rogers

July 6, 2020 – Susan Clarke-Rogers, a lung cancer patient from Burnaby gives very high marks to our Volunteer Cancer Drivers. Susan says, “I would give them 11 out of 10.”

Susan said she was first diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago but she said “Things began to speed up last October. My doctors recommended more treatment”. She then began to take immune therapy every three weeks at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster.

Susan says she has had a number of different Volunteer Drivers. “They have been just wonderful. I have probably had about six different drivers. Each one has been so helpful, respectful, just wonderful guys.” She said some treatments take longer than others, saying, “It’s hard being on time because the nurses run behind or something comes up, or some of them have had to wait. It was no problem at all. I knew the driver would be waiting for me.” When treatment was finished she would call the driver on his cell number. Her opinion of the volunteer cancer drivers? “I would say they are 11 out of 10. They do a wonderful job.”