VCDS Welcomes Chilliwack
Left: Kelly Velonis. Right: George McAffer. Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Chilliwack Progress - Jennifer Feinberg photo

VCDS Welcomes Chilliwack

The Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society is pleased to be hitting the roads of Chilliwack starting July 19th to provide transportation for cancer patients in need to their essential treatments. We will start accepting ride bookings on July 12th. It’s a wonderful story of collaboration which started by longtime resident of Chilliwack and advocate for healthier lives for seniors in her community, Kelly Velonis Executive Director of the Chilliwack and District Seniors’ Society.

The VCDS was approached by Kelly in the Spring asking us to extend our volunteer driving organization for Chilliwack cancer patients. Right now our service is expanding to Richmond then Vancouver, we knew Chilliwack should become part of that plan.

Kelly was instrumental in getting the word out and helping recruit new volunteer drivers through her many channels and connections in the community. On behalf of the Board of Directors and all of the volunteer dispatchers and drivers – Thank you Kelly.

Join our Community of Volunteers today.

Read the Chilliwack Progress article here